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Find Your Tribe: Your Tribe Will Strengthen Your Life


Find Your Tribe!

Finding Your Peas: Your Tribe Will Strengthen Your Life

Find your tribe and change your life. Walking through a crowd and feeling the energy of the people who pass me everyday can feel like I’m inside of a pinball machine and can feel like I’m traveling in a whirlwind, that is, if they don’t get me.

If you’re an empath like I am, you understand the impact that others can have on you and on those around you. When you begin to attract people who are like minded, everything can change for you.

Whether you’re attracting them in your personal life or in your business, attracting people who get you will not only strengthen your core, it allows you to feel understood.

It can take years to find your tribe but when you do, it’s like a lightning bolt has hit your chakras and elevated you miles into the heavens.

So how do you find your tribe? Let’s pretend your tribe is people who are into personal development. Where do we go to meet others? There are a whole bunch of places!

1. Take a Look on Facebook

  • Take a look on Facebook and search in groups, on pages, ask a question and recommendation in a post. All of these searches can lead to tons of different new connections! And who knows what else.
  • If you don’t find what you’re looking for, create your own group to bring together like minded people!

2. Take a Look on LinkedIn

  • Don’t discount LinkedIn for business only! There’s a group on LinkedIn for Personal Development that has over 7,000 members. Seven Thousand. That’s a lot of new connections and a great way to really connect with others. This is also a great place to find a mentor who might have just the skills you’re looking to have. Find your tribe.

3. Find Your Tribe by Wandering Over to MeetUp

  • Yes, MeetUp. MeetUp is a great way to connect with local like-minded individuals who are just like you. These groups are hyper local and will undoubtedly bring like minded people together, live and in-person.

4. Find Your Tribe on Google by Searching, “Personal Development Workshops Near Me”

  • Now there’s a novel idea, just google it. Attending a local workshop can not only introduce you to new people but actually help you grow more in the process.

5. Identify your biggest S T R E T C H and go do it!

  • If you have a stretch goal on your bucket list, go and do it. You might just find someone to do it with you or find them when you get there.

Whatever you decide to do to find your tribe, go and find them. They’re out there waiting for you. And they just might need you a little more than you need them. Let me know what happens. I’d love to hear your results!

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